People In Their Early 30s Are Part Of This Micro Generation That Is Shaping History — Here's Why It's Important

    "If you're in your early thirties, you're gonna want to listen to this..."

    A woman named Samantha Cohen recently caught the attention of over half a million people when she broke down this article from the New York Times. You can view the video here.

    Woman in a business-like tweed blazer and skirt set, standing with crossed arms

    "There are two specific birth years. The people who are turning 33 and 34 this year that make up the peak of America's population. People of this age make up 13% of the millennial generation," she continues.

    Four friends laugh and walk outdoors with coffee cups

    "The (New York Times) author calls these people 'peak millennials.' As they've aged, they're shaping the American economy in a very specific way. And, after looking at this information, it makes a little bit more sense on why the economy is performing in some surprising ways."

    Group of people in casual wear standing in a circle, holding smartphones

    "The median age for first-time home buyers is around 35 — and peak millennials are now approaching this age. Also, there's a very low inventory for homes. But, given the sheer generational numbers, it also helps to explain why the entry-level homes is still incredibly fierce."

    A person smiling and holding up a keychain with keys in focus

    "We also heard that people are having historically fewer kids. Many of these peak millennials are still worried about their finances. They cite financial concerns as one of the top reasons they're choosing to delay having kids."

    Father holding young daughter, both smiling, with a house and another person in the background

    "The takeaway here is that peak millennials have major sway over the US economy because of the timing of their life milestones. Because there are so many of us, our buying power has an outsize impact on the American economy. There's definitely power in numbers," Samantha concluded.

    A closeup of Samantha Cohen speaking

    "Peak millennials" FLOODED the comments:

    One person said, "About time we had our main character era"

    Many of whom came forth with their financial struggles:

    Text post expressing being a millennial with a large student debt, unable to afford a house, and no desire for children
    A comment that says "Meeeeeeeeeeeee peak millennial and very broke." with a heart and 203 likes

    As well as their hesitancy to have kids:

    "34. Not one kid. Not one house. Just vibes"
    "'91 and I'm not putting kids off, I'm not having them at all"

    Despite all this, it is very apparent that "peak millennials" have big goals to make a difference:

    User announces her first political run at age 34 for change in Texas

    BuzzFeed spoke to Samantha who creates content around business, career, and money. "I work in Big Tech and have my MBA from UC Berkeley Haas School of Business," she said.

    Wooden "JOBS" text on paper with charts and a laptop in the background

    Samantha said the biggest thing to learn from her explainer is that "peak millennials" make up the largest group of people born in a given few years in America's population. "Society as a whole can benefit from learning this information. I think it's useful for people to learn the demographics and societal shifts that occur within each generation — this teaches us about ourselves and the world we live in. Learning more about this specific generation can help us understand how the world will continue to evolve as the peak millennials age and move on through the world," she explained.

    "I was fascinated by the New York Times article because it deconstructed some of the most important life milestones for people in their early-to-mid thirties. Most importantly, it offered some data and explanation for why this specific micro-generation was experiencing hardships that other micro-generations may not have faced," she added.

    As a 31-year-old, Samantha said the article echoed conversations she's had with friends and people around her age. "We've been delayed in achieving milestones when compared to our parents' generation... Many of my followers are also in their early-mid thirties, so many of them share a sentiment of feeling like they are 'behind' on achieving these life milestones," Samantha said, adding that it also helps answer the 'why' for so many people who feel this way.

    A person holding an ultrasound image over their pregnant belly, with baby clothes in the background

    In fact, millennials who feel pressure to achieve certain milestones in life — like having children or buying a home — experience overwhelming anxiety about it. It is referred to as "milestone anxiety," and both millennials and Gen Z are experiencing it more than prior generations.

    A person resting their head on a desk in front of a computer

    The challenges of meeting these big life milestones are impacted by many elements — but mostly by money. "Macroeconomic conditions and governmental regulations also impact things but I think that the size of this micro-generation contributes to it to some degree. This information can shape how 'peak millennials' look at their lives, and hopefully, it allows them to not be so hard on themselves. It's encouraging to realize that they are in a similar stage as millions of others also experiencing the same challenges."

    Group of people standing in a circle with their hands together in the middle, suggesting teamwork or unity

    Lastly, Samantha thinks it's worth pointing out that the largest generational wealth transfer — about $84 trillion — is supposed to happen over the next few decades. "This wealth transfer will also play a role in the economic trajectory of millennials and Gen Z," she concluded.

    Multiple US $100 bills spread out with focus on the portrait of Benjamin Franklin

    Millennial or not — let us know your thoughts in the comments!