"Texts From Your Ex" Is Your New Favorite Instagram Account

    "Real texts from real exes."

    Some brilliant soul started a new Instagram account solely featuring texts from exes, and it's the Insta account we've all been waiting for.

    Here are some of the best:

    Cool story, bro.

    I'll Chase Quickpay you.

    You. Have. A. Wife. And. Baby.

    I will never. Ever. Forgive u

    I lied, that was definitely a drunk text.

    I support a woman's right to choose.

    You took that well.

    I want my Jamie Oliver cookbook back.

    Did you get a divorce?

    *Sends picture of Jimmy Johns* Thought of you.

    Goodnight :/

    You get it from your shitty tax-evading father.

    Why did John Mayer make you realize this?


    You can follow Texts From Your Ex here.