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21 Questions Australia Has For The US

WTF, America.

1. Why does all your money look exactly the same?

2. Why is your 10-cent coin smaller than your 5-cent coin?

3. And WTF is going on with your 1-cent coins?

4. Why don't you just add your sales tax to the price tag?

5. And why don't you pay your staff a decent wage so tipping isn't necessary?

6. Why is your cheese orange?

7. Or in a can, for that matter?


9. And why are your soft drink sizes so huge?

10. Why do your pharmacies sell beer?

11. Why are you so obsessed with ranch dressing?

12. And why is your gravy white?

13. Why do you call scones "biscuits"?

14. #RealTalk: What the actual fuck is with your gun laws?

15. And if you call university "school", then what do you call school?

16. Why do you butcher the English language by adding Z to everything?

17. Why do you think we all drink Foster's?

18. What is with using Fahrenheit?

19. And inches?

Exhibit A: Map of places that don’t use the Metric system:

20. And feet? And miles?

21. And gallons?

America, you have a LOT of explaining to do.