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20 Things You Should Probably Have Stopped Doing By Now

Experience doesn't teach you, it just makes your errors feel familiar.

1. Singing the 'ABC' song whenever you need to alphabetise something

2. Fixing things just enough to stop them breaking right this second

3. Cracking up as soon as you're not allowed to laugh

4. Hitting 'Reply All' on an email accidentally

5. Ordering in take-out, despite having time and food to cook with

6. Zoning out without realising you're actually staring at someone

7. Having 'just one more drink'

8. Using any sort of internet slang IRL

9. Screwing up a handshake/high five/fist bump/any sort of greeting

10. Using a North West South East mnemonic to figure out which subway train you should be getting

11. Not being able to at least fake the ability to play sports

12. Using a terrible comeback

13. Wearing incredibly impractical clothes for the purposes of fashion

14. Spending too much time on the internet

15. Bad flirting

16. Forgetting other peoples names

17. Forgetting how to spell basic words

18. Being distracted by your phone while out in the world

19. Insisting on your own awesomeness in the face of all evidence

20. Giving up easily