12 Signs You Were A "Gwenabee"

    For the Gwen Stefani-obsessed citizens of the Tragic Kingdom.

    1. The message on your answering machine was the chorus from "Spiderwebs."

    2. At one time or another, you wore a sari.

    3. And your bindis were always falling off.

    4. Your henna tattoo efforts were valiant but amateurish.

    5. You maybe didn't dye your hair this blue color, but it inspired you to make everything sky blue: your nails, your eyes, your lips.

    6. Like fellow Gwenhead Laris Oleynik, this is how you dressed for the school dance. (With a cardigan over your midriff before leaving the house.)

    7. This was your away message in 2004.

    8. Mini buns. So many mini buns.

    9. You experimented with Manic Panic in "Hot Hot Pink."

    10. You posed for pictures like this: belly slightly exposed, hip forward, hand at the waist of your pants.

    11. You almost wanted braces.

    12. And you would have ripped out this magazine page...even though you already knew everything it told you.