"Sex Life Of A Single Cat" Is The Weirdest Book Of 1965 You Must Read

    Confirmed: Your cat is indeed a playa.

    There's not much we know about this eBay listing for a 1965 book called Sex Life of a Single Cat...

    It appears to be an office comedy or drama, taking place at a cat nip company.

    A cat applies for a job and is asked whether she (or he) has done the sex. Not weird at all.

    Not really sure I get this joke either, but it's definitely a dirty one.

    This kitty definitely has a sexual harassment lawsuit on her paws. Time to call FR (Feline Resources).

    Is this a penis joke?

    I feel bad for this cat.

    Apparently, either a character wins first place for something, or this book got an award. The latter seems...unlikely.