The First Miss America Pageants Are Shockingly Different From Today's

    Here's "sexy" swimwear circa 1921.

    Here's Margaret Gorman, the winner of the first Miss America pageant in 1921. Evidently she'd been shopping in King Triton's wardrobe.

    Nowadays...sparkly ballgowns. So sparkly.

    No joke, this was the swimsuit portion of the first Miss America contest.

    Just slightly less fabric now.

    Here's Margaret two years later — in 1923 — with that year's winner, Mary Katherine Campbell. And also Dumbledore.

    These days, it's unlikely you'd see contestants sharing a stage with a creepy wizard. Instead, they get the lovely Chris Harrison.

    A 1938 winner basks happily in her glory in what appears to be a shiny romper. I dig.

    Miss America 2012 loses it upon winning her title.

    The Real Housewives of Downton Abbey — er, I mean — contestants in fancy dress, with the 1925 winner, Fay Lanphier (far right), wearing...well, I'm not sure what she's wearing.

    Pageant fashion these days is still flashy. Emphasis on the flash.

    Although some things have not changed.

    Toddlers & Tiaras has apparently been a thing since ye olde days.

    Here's the 1927 winner, Miss Illinois. She's clearly happy...

    But maybe not as happy as this girl.

    Or this girl.

    Or this girl.