14 OMG Moments From "True Blood" Season 6, Episode 2

    Sookie's a what now? And Bill has a shocking premonition about the future. MAJOR SPOILERS for "The Sun."

    1. When Warlow entered through a portal.

    2. When "Warlow" turned out to be Niall, Jason, and Sookie's faerie grandfather.

    3. When Eric dug the magic bullet out of Tara.

    4. When Bill started feeling the pain of all vampires.

    5. When yet another hottie showed up as a potential love interest for Sookie.

    6. When Bill telepathically drained a hooker.

    7. When Eric donned a Clark Kent disguise.

    8. When he couldn't glamour Governor Burrell.

    9. When we learned that Sookie is a faerie princess.

    10. When Niall explained Sookie's secret power.

    11. When the werewolves kidnapped Emma.

    12. When Eric showed up at Governor Burrell's daughter's window.

    13. When Bill and Jessica realized he could see the future.

    14. When Bill saw a very dark fate for vampires.