

Oct 2021
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  • lucienne137's avatar

    lucienne137 commented on 16 Facts That Perfectly Explain Why Finland Is The Happiest Country On Earth

    Okay . . . great, but I feel like some of these weren't real reasons. I mean, one of them was talking about how the people enjoy the nature of the place, after already describing the nature of the place. I'd say that's a half-reason.


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  • lucienne137's avatar

    lucienne137 commented on 31 Actually Helpful Tips For Dealing With Panic Attacks

    Hi! I am fifteen and just starting to drive but I struggle with it too! Here are some tips! 1. If your driving wheel has a texture, feel it in your hands. Try to describe it, out loud or in your head. 2. Try to think about why you're stressed and rationalize it in your mind. For example,… 


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  • lucienne137's avatar

    lucienne137 commented on These True Scary Stories Will Chill You To Your Freakin' Core

    My great grandmother was very sweet and I was her favorite. She told me so always, little Lucienne Grae ---------, the baby girl, the youngest grandchild. She died after falling down the stairs of my house while she was visiting. One day I felt really dizzy, and fainted. I fell down… 


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  • lucienne137's avatar

    lucienne137 commented on People Are Sharing The Creepiest Unexplained Things They Witnessed In Clear Daylight, And It's Bone-Chilling

    I was seven years old, maybe eight, when my Aunt Emma passed away. I was really close to her; like the daughter she never had. At her funeral, we were at the gravesite, watching that coffin carry her down, down, down. It was beautiful, with lacy trees, thick pines, weeping willows… 


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  • lucienne137's avatar

    lucienne137 commented on People Are Sharing Things Authors Do In Books That Distract Them, And I Agree With All Of Them

    I hate it when people say "pregnant pause" . . . it just feels so awkward and doesn't really make sense!


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  • lucienne137's avatar

    lucienne137 commented on What's The Nastiest Thing You Ever Witnessed At School Growing Up?

    The nasty thing I saw was really recent, and it actually happened to me. As you know, it's the middle of a pandemic, but this guy was going around, and kissing random girls. Yes. I was almost smooched, and I'm only thirteen. Like, chill. It was gross, but my friend smacked him and… 


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