Sarah Jessica Parker Was Completely Devastated That Manhattanhenge Didn't Happen

    Sometimes life isn't fair.

    Manhattanhenge was *supposed* to happen last night.

    It's usually such a beautiful thing.

    And Sarah Jessica Parker was ready for it.

    But it was too cloudy last night. The sky was just ordinary.

    She held out hope, but in the end, it didn't happen.

    And no one — NO ONE — was more dissapointed than SJP.

    What were her options?

    How could this happen?

    I couldn't help but wonder...was any of it really fair?

    People tweeted their empathy.

    It was hard to believe anyone could continue on, but they did.

    And then a miracle (science) happened. MANHATTANHENGE WOULD BE BACK TONIGHT!

    And Sarah Jessica was reborn again. wait! Tomorrow 8:18p! Full sun on the grid! @Piscesboy69 I am renewed! Reborn. Hallelujah!

    Sometimes, everything works out just right.