21 Things Men Should Never Be Ashamed Of

    Just live and be merry.

    1. You should never feel ashamed for not liking sports.

    2. Watching a television show like the Real Housewives of Atlanta.

    3. You shouldn't feel bad about expressing your emotions.

    4. Don't be afraid to experiment in the bedroom.

    5. Don't feel like you have to be the breadwinner in your family.

    6. Don't feel bad about being interested in fashion and dressing well.

    7. Don't feel bad about taking pride in your hygiene.

    8. Don't feel ashamed about taking up a job that isn't considered "masculine" by society's standards.

    9. You shouldn't feel bad about still playing video games, even though you're an adult with major responsibilities.

    10. You shouldn't feel ashamed for showing affection toward another man.

    11. Additionally, don't feel ashamed about wearing colors that that are considered "not manly" enough.

    12. Don't feel ashamed about singing a "girly song."

    13. Don't feel like it's a slight on your manhood if you don't have or haven't had many sexual encounters.

    14. Don't feel ashamed about not having the perfect physique.

    15. Don't let phrases like "be a man" or "real men do ___" get to your head.

    16. Don't feel bad about not wanting to ever settle down and get married.

    17. Don't feel bad about not drinking.

    18. Not having a circumcised penis.

    19. Don't be ashamed of your penis size.

    20. Don't feel bad about being vulnerable.

    21. And lastly, don't be afraid to embrace your feminine side.