20 Survival Tips To Get You Through Costco Alive

    Taking your family to Costco isn’t as difficult as surviving a zombie apocalypse, but it’s close.

    1. Get there early.

    2. Never let your kid bring a toy inside with them.

    3. Don’t forget your membership card.

    4. Skip the flat bed.

    5. Don't even think about going in there without a shopping list.

    6. Keep your head down and walk straight to the first item on your list.

    7. Seriously, don’t let yourself be tempted by big-ticket items.

    8. Visit these lovely people every chance you get.

    9. Just be sure to get out of the way once you’ve got your sample.

    10. Samples are awesome for kids too.

    11. It's smart to focus on nonperishable items.

    12. But think twice on perishables.

    13. You'll want to think about your freezer space too.

    14. It’s easy to get distracted by the Costco-ness of it all. Stay focused.

    15. Speaking of distractions... Don’t waste time searching for the ark of the covenant.

    16. If you get lost, don't panic.

    17. Also, don't look up.

    18. Just keep heading in one direction until you see something you recognize.

    19. Once you have everything on your list, there's one last challenge: checkout.

    20. Congratulations! You survived!