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    13 Life Lessons We Learned From Our Favorite Childhood Sports Movies

    Air Bud: A Morality Tail.

    1. Cool Runnings: Confidence

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    You should be repeating this verbatim in front of your mirror every morning. No really, you should. Self-confidence is one of the most attractive and important traits you can develop.

    What Cool Runnings Also Taught Us: Haters gonna hate.

    2. The Mighty Ducks Trilogy: Teamwork

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    3 words for you: Ducks Fly Together. The real world places a high value on teamwork. I guess we all have Coach Bombay to thank for the collegial atmosphere within our respective professional settings.

    What The Mighty Ducks Also Taught Us: Youth hockey is a multi-cultural sport.

    3. The Sandlot: Facing Fear

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    We all have a few Beasts in our life, sometimes you just have to MTFU and climb that fence.

    What The Sandlot Also Taught Us: How to trash talk.

    4. Angels In the Outfield: Support

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    There will always be people there to support us if we let them, be it a parent, friend or Doc from Back To The Future.

    What Angels In the Outfield Also Taught Us: Kids can regularly fill roster slots for pro sports teams. See Rookie Of The Year (1993).

    5. Rudy: Fortitude

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    Quitting never makes a winner. Working through adversity is part of life. At the end of the day, not only will you earn the respect of those around you, you will learn to respect yourself.

    What Rudy Also Taught Us: How to make 15 year old boys cry.

    6. Remember The Titans: Acceptance

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    Accept the people in your life for who they are, for better and for worse. If a 1970s southern football team can overcome racism, homophobia and debilitating car crashes in 113 minutes, why can't we all?

    What Remember The Titans Also Taught Us: Literally everything else this list doesn't cover. Political corruption? Check. The Civil War? Check. A choreographed football entrance? Check.

    7. Brink: Don't Be A Jerk

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    Most people will judge you based on your words and actions so be a good person. Your reputation is something that only develops over time, it doesn't disappear.

    What Brink Also Taught Us: It was cool to rollerblade, kind of.

    8. Field Of Dreams: Forgiveness

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    People in your life come and go, many times without clear reasons or resolution. Forgiving, letting go and moving on is part of the essential process.

    What Field Of Dreams Also Taught Us: Ghosts love baseball.

    9. Johnny Tsunami: Be Open To Change

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    Change can be scary. That can't keep you from getting back on the board though, be it on mad fresh powder or ocean swells.

    What Johnny Tsunami Taught Us: "Urchin's motto man. Go big or go home".

    10. The Little Giants: Opportunity

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    Miracle took a play out the Little Giants book. Nothing is set in stone, when your own "one time" comes around, will you take it?

    What The Little Giants Also Taught Us: Choose Spike first for your gym class team.

    11. The Karate Kid: Hard Work

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    Do you think Daniel Larusso became The Best Around by pure talent? No. He worked for it. Nothing in life is free (exception below).

    What The Karate Kid Also Taught Us: Child labor is free and Mr. Miyagi was an alcoholic with mild PTSD.

    12. Happy Gilmore: Perspective

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    We had to learn the hard way with Happy on this one. Sometimes instead of getting angry at a given situation, its better to keep your eye on the puke-yellow jacket. ("I believe thats Mr. Gilmore's").

    What Happy Gilmore Also Taught Us: Love. Thats right, love. Call your grandma right now and tell her you love her.

    13. Space Jam: Dream Big

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    "Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    What Space Jam Also Taught Us: That Michael Jordan was the undisputed legend of our childhood. Shaq comes second with Kazaam (1996).