21 Facebook Posts That Ended In Real Life Disaster

    Don't be these people.

    1. The Facebook post that led to some dude being assaulted with a Furby.

    2. The Facebook post that was literally a picture of A BABY AND A BONG. A BABY AND A BONG!

    3. The Facebook post that was literally a picture of two people EATING IGUANA. EATING IGUANA!

    4. The Facebook post that forever made this kid "that douche who posted how he was drunk driving AND hit a car on Facebook."

    5. The Facebook post that forever made this kid "that jackass who posted the picture of himself siphoning gas FROM A POLICE CAR while simultaneously flipping off the camera."

    6. The Facebook post that forever made this kid "that bozo who stole from a judge. FROM A JUDGE! And posted it on Facebook."

    7. The Facebook post that got this lady on the news.

    8. The Facebook post that wasn't liked.

    9. The Facebook post that ended the life of an annoying teenager's computer.

    10. The Facebook post that ended with a bullet in someone's head.

    11. The Facebook post that proved once and for all why you shouldn't post about politics on Facebook.

    12. The Facebook post that was meant to be a humble brag but instead turned into a lesson of why you shouldn't humble-brag.

    13. The Facebook post that revealed how bad it is working on the state of Montana's social media team.

    14. The Facebook post that ruined some Dutch girl's birthday.

    15. All of the Facebook posts that got people arrested for planking.

    16. The Facebook post a KFC employee actually posted of themselves making out with a boob-shaped mashed potatoes mound.

    17. All of those Facebook posts from people who were getting free money from an ATM that ultimately ruined it for everyone.

    18. The Facebook posts this guy made after his wedding to his second wife that he forgot to tell his first wife about.

    19. The Facebook post that cemented Macy Gray's one-hit-wonder status.

    20. The Facebook post that forever made these two idiots "those two idiots who stole a phone, posted on Facebook, BUT THEY DIDN'T LOG THEMSELVES OUT!! Hahahaa!!!"

    21. Lastly, the Facebook post that probably ended this guy's marriage because WHO DOES THAT?!