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    31 Unbelievable Pieces Of Origami Art

    Origami is more than swans and cranes. There is some straight crazy/awesome stuff out there. Check it out.

    1. The White Swan Queen


    3. Getting Paper(Clips)

    4. One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish

    5. The Bird Version

    6. Paper Folded, I Am

    7. Rhino Power

    8. BIRDMAN!

    9. Papyrus Prime

    10. But Can It Breathe Fire?

    11. Carp Diem

    12. Fishing For Benjamins

    13. Paper Man To The Rescue

    14. I Just Wanted To Play Basketball

    15. Paper City

    16. We Making Paper

    17. Paper Is Mighter Than The Sword

    18. This Bird's Got Wings

    19. Leaffrogging

    20. Spring Back, Or Wait Is It Forward? I Can Never Remember

    21. Hedwig LIVES!!!!!!!!!


    23. I Don't Want A Pony. I Wan't a Unicorn!

    24. The Majesty of Flight

    25. I Can Hear The Ocean!

    26. Fake! Everyone Knows the Millennium Falcon is Grey.

    27. X-Wing Nation

    28. Bugging Out

    29. Moose Tracks

    30. This Is A Buckyball.

    31. But Is It Faster Than Turbo?

    Unlike many things you can try these at home! Yay!