45 Incredibly Manly ’90s Products That Boys Begged Their Parents For

    "I got an idea! You can get a job and buy whatever you want." – Mom.

    1. This super macho snack:

    2. These shoes that will light up your day:

    3. Or these kicks you had to pump:

    4. This awesome halloween costume:

    5. You had one of these two glorious systems:

    6. And then later, one of these two systems:

    7. Or maybe you were too cool for school and got this little gem:

    8. MIGHTY MAX:

    9. Your first car wash:

    10. Looney Tunes "Hip Hop" apparel:

    11. This ultimate figurine collection:

    12. Or these ninjas that only cost a quarter:

    13. This technological breakthrough in hydro weaponry:

    14. These aquatic bros:

    15. These incredibly compact and flexible action figures:

    16. Your first tool kit:

    17. This ultimate bromance story on video cassette:

    18. This balancing Superman:

    19. This old fashioned toy with a smart marketing ploy:

    20. These legendary ice cream bars:

    21. This recorder because KEVIN FUCKING MCALLISTER had it:

    22. The power of the VORTEX:

    23. These shirts that opened a can of fashion whoop-ass:

    24. BATMAN:

    25. VACMAN:

    26. LEGOS. ALWAYS:

    27. If you wanted to keep playing with toys but felt like a grown up:

    28. This spinning weed pendant:

    29. When this skateboarding game didn't work out...

    30. There was always this one:

    31. These colorful gaming systems that fit in your pocket.

    32. These cards that introduced the word "holographic" into your vocabulary:

    33. This bloodless, non-violent game:

    34. These McDonald's Batman mugs that seem to last FOREVER in your cupboard:

    35. This speedy popsicle:

    36. This long lost cereal:

    37. These VR Trooper and Power Rangers pogs from McDonald's:

    38. This video tape rewinder that you always confused for a toy car:

    39. This toy that finally allowed you to eat bugs:

    40. Your first driving simulator:

    41. These nearly extinct cap guns:

    42. This Scholastic novel:

    43. The only dictionary that ever mattered:

    44. This toy set that was just out of this world:

    45. And finally, FUBU: