74 Thoughts You've Had While Tripping

    (Warning: Flashing images)

    1. The shrooms are in the chocolate? Awesome!

    2. Was I supposed to eat a quarter or half the chocolate? Whatever.

    3. Tastes interesting.

    4. Hmmm. I don't feel anything...

    5. Oh! Look! A deer!

    7. Wait...

    9. My eyes...

    16. Uh...


    31. Cells...

    34. Whatchu lookin' at?

    36. I'm gonna shut my eyes.

    38. NVMD. OPEN THEM.

    XL. oh man


    28. Doggie...

    70. ...

    71. I'm...

    72. I think...

    73. I think I'm gonna....

    74. I'm just gonna stay like this for a bit: