9 Incredible Things That Google Is Working On Now

    Robots, self-driving cars and computer glasses are just the start.

    Google spends much of its time researching new ideas - "moonshots" that on paper sound almost impossible.

    1. Robots that could revolutionise manufacturing.

    2. Humanoid robots.

    And, no big deal, but Schaft has built a robot that can drive a car and CLIMB A LADDER.

    3. Artificial intelligence.

    4. Self-driving cars.

    5. Smart contact lenses that help fight diabetes.

    6. Huge barges that could be turned into floating retail spaces.

    7. Wearable gadgets powered by Android.

    8. Fighting disease and old age.

    9. Green energy. And lots of it.

    And lastly, sadly, Google says it isn't working on a space elevator, despite reports that it secretly was.