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The 15 Best Things That Happened On Food Twitter In 2013

It was the best of times, it was the #brand of times.

1. @RealCarrotFacts was born and was perfect.

Carrot Facts


You see better when you eat a carrost.

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If you paint a pencil orange you can pretend it a carrot but after that there is not much you can do

Carrot Facts


If you paint a pencil orange you can pretend it a carrot but after that there is not much you can do

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Most landlord don't accept carrots as rent payment trust me

Carrot Facts


Most landlord don't accept carrots as rent payment trust me

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2. Anonymous took over Burger King's Twitter account and changed its name to McDonald's.

3. Cap'n Crunch and Taco Bell competed for Chrissy Teigen's love and loyalty...

4. ...but Taco Bell won when they put a literal ring on it.

5. Carls Jr. tried (and failed) to capitalize on the new pope's election.

6. Noah Ellis, the owner of Red Medicine in Los Angeles, perfected the art of aggro-subtweeting no-show diners...

...and taught chef Alex Stupak to never, ever ask Twitter for new taco suggestions.

This happened for two months.

7. The Denny's Twitter account spent a solid two hours tweeting Brand New lyrics jokes.

8. New York Times restaurant critic Pete Wells had a heated back-and-forth with a ham.

9. Paula Deen's racism lawsuit inspired the super-viral #paulasbestdishes hashtag.

Massa-roni and cheese #PaulasBestDishes

Swole Biz


Massa-roni and cheese #PaulasBestDishes

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Brokey McPoverty


Strange Fruit Pies #PaulasBestDishes

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You Hear White Folk Talkin You Better Hushpuppies #PaulasBestDishes

Shen Tsung


You Hear White Folk Talkin You Better Hushpuppies #PaulasBestDishes

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10. The New York Times doxxed the guy behind @ruthbourdain.

11. Getting hacked was so trendy this year that Chipotle faked its own twitter meltdown.

12. Twitter responded to the 300 Sandwiches debacle with some pretty solid feminist sandwich jokes.

Ham and Germaine Gruyere #300feministsandwiches



Ham and Germaine Gruyere #300feministsandwiches

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gloria stein-ham and cheese #300feministsandwiches

Rachel Zarrell


gloria stein-ham and cheese #300feministsandwiches

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Our Bánh Mìs, Ourselves; The Butty Myth. #300feministsandwiches

Jordana Rothman


Our Bánh Mìs, Ourselves; The Butty Myth. #300feministsandwiches

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13. Martha Stewart shared some truly terrible food photos...

...and, like the badass Twitter wizard that she is, refused to apologize for anything.

14. Superstar cake baker and amazing lady Sylvia Weinstock continued to tweet.

All cakes delivered whew! On my deck time for a vodka great weather yoday

Sylvia Weinstock


All cakes delivered whew! On my deck time for a vodka great weather yoday

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Melanie my last supper invited me girls nite out love it ready for repeat I feel so with it a#Ah! Youth

Sylvia Weinstock


Melanie my last supper invited me girls nite out love it ready for repeat I feel so with it a#Ah! Youth

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In Atlanta just did a great looking wedding cake second marriage same b&g hope it works this time no refunds

Sylvia Weinstock


In Atlanta just did a great looking wedding cake second marriage same b&g hope it works this time no refunds

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15. Guy Fieri cooked with Drake, tweeted about it, called Drake "brutha."