No, Wikipedia Doesn’t Think A Monkey Owns The Copyright On This Selfie

    "This is how Planet of the Apes started." Or maybe not.

    A monkey took this selfie in Indonesia in 2011.

    The monkey selfie is currently the centre of a copyright row between Wikipedia and Slater – supposedly on the grounds that Wikipedia thinks the monkey owns the copyright to the photo.

    But that’s not true. The Wikipedia page is very clear that they think nobody owns the copyright. Because monkeys can’t own the copyright on things.

    The interesting debate hasn't stopped those on Twitter expressing their shock at the suggestion a monkey could own the copyright to something.

    "The monkey owns the copyright" - a ridiculous interpretation of copyright law #photography #photographer

    this is how planet of the apes started

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for goo... HOW CAN A MONKEY OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO HIS SELFIE?" ~ Twitter, Every Single Day

    Even if they use stolen equipment, the fact is that monkeys own the rights to their selfies. Yes. Really.

    RT if you'd prefer to have the selfie-taking monkey as Prime Minister than Boris Johnson

    Wikimedia completely wrong on this > Wikipedia refuses to delete photo as 'monkey owns it'

    MONKEY APES PHOTOGRAPHER- easily the best story today- #monkeyingaround #monkeyselfie

    The Internet is actually just a giant experiment to make us rethink our ideas about intellectual property.

    so animal rights>corporate>human? mT @Sparkes: Wikimedia decides monkey, not photographer owns copyright #hmm

    Does @Wikipedia intend to pay the money to the Monkey who owns Copyright? If they argue DJ Slater dont @Telegraph

    oh what a brilliant victory for animal rights, wikipedia. so did the monkey release the photo for your use then

    i hope there's a session about monkey copyright at the wikipedia conference

    I like copyright, I like monkeys. This is an amusing day.
