35 Signs That Raise More Questions Than They Answer

    Thanks to the excellent @strange_signs Twitter feed.

    1. This US street sign.

    2. And this British one.

    3. This jaunty announcement.

    4. This niche regulation.

    5. This menu item.

    6. Um, and this one.

    7. This important information.

    8. Beware.

    9. BEWARE.

    10. Bewa- Oh, too late.

    11. This impenetrable message.

    12. This fair warning.

    13. Whatever this is.

    14. This special offer.

    15. This advice.

    16. This exotic array of services.

    17. This career opportunity.

    18. What?

    19. What?

    20. Seriously, what?

    21. This retail gem.

    22. This specific prohibition.

    23. Uh...

    24. Uhhh...

    25. Good news, everyone!

    26. Rules, man.

    27. This ball of a time.

    28. This exasperated plea.

    29. Current events.

    30. This warning.

    31. This machine.

    32. This reasonable request.

    33. This disclaimer.

    34. And this new military tactic.

    35. Aaaaand this.