Why We Should Switch To A Three Day Weekend: A Manifesto

    Britain is knackered. Britain is stressed. This is the solution, and together we can make it happen.

    We all know that Monday morning feeling.

    "Where did the time go?"

    But wait!

    1. British workers already work longer hours than most of Europe.

    2. It's worked before.

    3. The Dutch way.

    4. Just think about all the areas of the economy that would benefit if the weekend was longer. DIY shops...

    Car boot sales...

    Anywhere that does a Sunday roast (to be renamed 'Monday roast').

    5. It's not just America and Europe, either.

    6. And here's the biggest reason: stress.

    The UK workforce works the longest hours in Europe. The extra hours in the workplace mean that people aren't spending enough time doing things that they really enjoy. "We all need to take some time for socialising, relaxation or exercise," says Professor Cooper.He recommends setting aside a couple of nights a week for some quality "me time" away from work. "By earmarking those two days, it means you won't be tempted to work overtime on those days," he says.

    A great idea in theory, but when you get home at 8 and have to eat, clean and prepare for the morning, how much 'me time' is there in an average evening? An extra day of weekend, on the other hand, could make a whole world of difference.