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27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About

Welcome to Southern Kale-ifornia.

1. Earthquakes.

2. Traffic.

3. Kale.

4. Juice cleanses.

Because it also burns calories to talk about your diet.

5. Where they went hiking this weekend.

6. Yoga.

7. Or whatever new fitness craze they're trying out.

8. Coachella.

9. Directions

10. And then also shortcuts.

11. The "weather."

12. Celebrities, but casually.

13. Scientology, but in a hushed voice.

14. Toyota Priuses, whether they drive one or not.

15. Organic food.

16. Their dogs.

17. Where they went to brunch this weekend.

18. Gossiping about mutual friends.

19. Whatever creative project they're working on.

20. Going to Vegas.

21. What neighborhood they live in.

22. How far away the beach is.

23. Sports.

24. Where they are from originally.

25. Parking.

26. Where they go grocery shopping.

27. And finally, how L.A. is WAY better than New York.