9 Longform Stories We're Reading This Week

    Manny Ramirez returned to professional American baseball last week, having spent three months playing for a scandal-ridden league in Taiwan. How did his time there change him? Read about that, and other great stories from around the web.

    1. Remade In Taiwan: Manny Ramirez's Season Abroad — BuzzFeed

    2. How Carne Ross Created A New Kind of Diplomacy — BuzzFeed

    3. Shooting the MessengersBritish GQ

    4. Golf in China Is Younger Than Tiger Woods, But Growing Up FastNew York Times Sunday Magazine

    5. How Superheroes And Sequels Keep Indies Off Summer Movie Screens — BuzzFeed

    6. The Hoaxer Who Breaks Women's HeartsThe Guardian

    7. How "This American Life" Made it To Episode 500 — BuzzFeed

    8. The Father You ChooseEsquire

    9. Celebrity Profiler: Tom Chiarella, in His Own WordsIndianapolis Monthly

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