Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Football But Were Afraid To Ask

    Why do they stop so much? How come some of them are so fat? And what's with the fanny packs?

    1. What are "downs" and why do they matter?

    2. Where should I be watching when the play starts?

    3. Why are some of the guys significantly fatter than the other ones?

    4. How come they never pass to the fat guys?

    5. What is a "zone"?

    6. Why do they keep stopping?

    7. When the quarterback yells, he's yelling a code for the play, right? If they've already run that play, won't the other team know they're running it again if they hear the code?

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    Well, there's a lot of complexity in those codes. They're constantly changing, from week to week and even play to play, and some codes only mean something in combination with other codes, if that makes sense. And if an offensive coach or quarterback suspects that their opponents know what play is coming, they might call an "audible" — a new or substitute offensive play, announced via a different set of codes. (Yeah. It's complicated. Peyton Manning makes it even more complicated by occasionally calling plays in Gaelic — see the video above.)

    8. Do players ever forget what calls mean?

    9. What is a blitz?

    10. Is anything being accomplished when they all just fall into a pile? Why don't they just, like, throw it way far down the field each time?

    11. How violent are they allowed to get? Like, they can ram into each other, but if they kick someone in the face, that's bad, right?

    12. How do some spectators seem to know what the penalty was even before the ref has said it? Are they like watching every single thing every person is doing?

    13. Why are there, like, 18 coaches for every team?

    14. What do "special teams" do?

    15. Why do some of them wear fanny packs?

    16. What precisely does a "tight end" do?

    17. When they touch each other's butts — what's up with that?