24 Things A PR Person Will Instantly Relate To

    Yah, this is PR sweetie darling. Mwah.

    1. You accidentally start all real life conversations with ‘Hi, I hope you are well...’

    2. You’ve perfected the air kiss...

    3. All your friends think you’re a PA...

    4. You no longer believe anything you read...

    5. Getting great coverage on a national newspaper website’s homepage...

    6. ...and then seeing that it doesn’t include a live link to the client’s website.

    7. Searching for a client on Google News after sending a big story...

    8. When a journalist replies to your really dull email pitch to say they like it.

    9. Plucking up the courage to call a notoriously nasty journalist only to have them hang up on you.

    10. When a journalist calls you to ask for your help with a feature...

    11. Realising you’ve just sent a release with glaringly obvious typos in to a massive list of contacts.

    12. People think your job is just like being Samantha Jones in Sex and the City, or Edina in Ab Fab.

    13. Forgetting your phone when out of the office all day on a pitch and literally feeling like the world has ended.

    14. Seeing a client’s competitor in an article that the journalist promised your client would be appearing in...

    15. ...and then explaining to your client why they didn’t make it in.

    16. Sending an excellently written press release to a client and them sending 126 tracked changes back.

    17. Preparing to send a weekly client report that’s still totally empty at 3pm on a Friday.

    18. When you convincingly pitch a complex client to a journalist, despite not understanding what you’ve just said.

    19. Your nan always asks why your name isn’t next to your story in the paper.

    20. Your client tells you that despite coverage with live links on 50 websites, the campaign drove no traffic or sales.

    21. You probably speak to journalists and your clients more than your actual friends.

    22. Losing the internet connection at crucial moments is like someone switching off your life support.

    23. Your phone constantly has less than 10% battery life, causing levels of distress similar to a pet dying in your arms.

    24. The heartbreaking moment you receive a ‘remove me from this mailing list’ email.