Jim Carrey's Best Facial Expressions Of The '90s

    The king of face malleability turns 51 today. And there is no Jim Carrey like classic '90s Jim Carrey.

    The exaggerated scream face.

    The "hide-and-seek."

    The ever popular "All-righty then."

    The sophisticated facial.

    The bird of prey.

    The slow motion football player.

    The green creeper.

    The raspberry blower.

    The googly-eyed freak out.

    The ketchup and mustard combo.

    The always useful "I can't hear you" tactic.

    The ketchup gag.

    The "I like it a-lot".

    The sad Riddler...

    ...and the enthusiastic Riddler.

    The goddamn pen is blue!

    The hair fluff, very big back in the '90s.

    The soap in the eyes conundrum.

    The silver-tongued lawyer move.

    And the face grab.

    He perfected the karaoke face...

    ...as well as the ear whisper.

    Hilarious and always border-line creepy, thank you '90s Jim Carrey.