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11 Essential Songs For Breakup Survival

What becomes of the brokenhearted? Music can certainly push you forward and get that pursuit of love restarted! And Spotify has your accompanying soundtrack along every step of the way.

Trying to piece that broken heart back together? There's ALWAYS that song when...

1. You kind of saw it coming.

2. You refuse to believe it.

3. And then suddenly — you're just a waterfall of sad.

4. Then, you pivot right to the "breaking" point.

5. The next step? Accepting your single fate.

6. Time to take yourself back out on the town and DANCE IT ALL OUT.

7. But sometimes, leaving it all on the dance floor still doesn't piece that precious heart back together.

8. Turf wars and shifting friendships can be complicated and stressful!

9. You take matters into your own hands once and for all.

10. You realize maybe you're better off on your own than you were coupled up.

11. And finally... happy, unfettered freedom.

Whether just broken up with, or getting back out there – Spotify has every song to soothe your feels.

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