Here's Who Could Potentially Be "A.D." On "Pretty Little Liars"

    A.D. definitely stands for "Aria's Dad".

    15. Caleb Rivers

    14. Alison DiLaurentis

    13. Jason DiLaurentis

    12. Peter Hastings aka Slut Daddy

    11. Lucas Gottesman

    10. Blind Jenna and her crew

    9. Ezra Fitzgerald

    Jemima: I have never thought of Ezra being an A.D. suspect, but I would love the SHIT out of that plot twist. The only way he could be A.D. is if Archer (or someone else) killed Ezra, and took his place using those high-quality masks we saw earlier this season.

    Tahlia: Ugh, I would LOVE this to be true. The whole knowing Alison before she disappeared thing. The book. The dark look at the can of chickpeas. His masters in English literature really just being a ruse. And as a bonus we’d also see Aria’s crying face again. It’d be amazing. Unfortunately I think he’s more likely to die in the finale, than actually be A.D.

    Jenna: Look, I would love this twist. Ezra has been suss from day one. I have never been into his character, or his relationship with Aria. It would pack such an emotional punch. But sadly I don’t think PLL are gonna mess with any of the endgame couples at this point.

    A.D. ranking: 2/10

    8. Charlotte DiLaurentis/CeCe Drake

    7. Mona Vanderwaal

    6. Byron Montgomery

    5. Melissa Hastings

    4. Wren Kingston

    3. I.Marlene King

    Jemima: I’m still not entirely convinced that all this is real. I wouldn’t be totally surprised if the last scene of the show pans out and it just shows Spencer or Ali or someone sitting in Radley playing with dolls, making up every storyline.

    Tahlia: Well, we all know Marlene has a cameo and loves fucking with us.

    Jenna: Chances of this happening: 70%. Chances of my head exploding from rage when it does: 100%.

    A.D. ranking: 7.6/10

    2. Bethany Young

    Jemima: Up until two days ago, I thought that Bethany was an irrelevant character that we wouldn’t ever hear from again. But then I read an insane, super-lengthy theory that Bethany is actually Spencer’s twin, and has been helping Ali and Charlotte torture the Liars for years. I’m hella into it.

    Tahlia: I’ve honestly spent the whole last season so confused, because I thought Bethany was dead and buried. But given how many times her name has popped up in every single theory I’ve ever read, she’s a consideration for sure. She ticks the A boxes: Radley patient, (potential) murderer, and she was caught up in the night Ali disappeared. But they better tell us who’s really in that damn grave if it’s not Bethany, or I’ll be pissed.

    Jenna: I totally buy the theory that Bethany Young is actually Spencer’s twin. It would finally give relevance to the character we’ve heard so much about but rarely ever seen. It would tidy up a lot of loose ends about Yellow Top Night and Charlotte’s experiences with Bethany at Radley. I kinda hope this theory turns out to be true.

    A.D. ranking: 8.6/10

    1. Spencer's twin

    Jemima: I 100% subscribe to this theory. WTF was up with that airport scene with Wren? There is no way that Spencer doesn’t have a twin, imo. I’m not quite sure what her back story is, but I’m assuming she was friends with Charlotte, and continued the game after her death. Also, I think A.D. stands for something in Latin, which is a very Spencer thing to do. (The Latin word for “other” starts with A, I’m still trying to figure out what the D is.)

    Tahlia: Look everything is pointing to this – but just as I convince myself this is the ending, I then think of the PLL writers trolling us and throwing a bunch of weird Spencer scenes in as a red herring. However, given the fact that the previous A (Charlotte) had a direct bloodline to two of the Liars, I’m thinking they’ll continue this fucked family tree with the evil apple twin Spencer never knew she had.

    Jenna: I am so convinced by this theory, my mind will actually be blown if A.D. turns out to be anyone else. Twins have been such a prominent theme throughout the show that this feels like the ultimate pay-off. With Spencer in particular, there have been a bunch of clues – like that weird interaction Hanna hallucinated when she was kidnapped, and the time Ezra saw Spencer with Wren at the airport. Also, why else would they introduce the whole plotline of Spencer being Mary Drake’s daughter? All A-roads seem to lead back to this family. I’m betting A.D. is A.Drake.

    A.D. ranking: 10/10