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14 Insanely Specific Demi Lovato Reaction GIFs

Perfect for times when you're creeping on someone's Instagram or when somebody toots in the elevator.

1. You forgot how to read.

2. You get perfume in your eyes.

3. You forget the lyrics to a song.

4. You lean over a candle and light your hair on fire.

5. You lose your glasses.

6. A squirrel falls on your head.

7. You just remembered that you forgot to lock your door.

8. You see someone slip on a banana peel.

9. You just remembered kittens exist.

10. You just found out that you're dating your cousin.

11. You're creeping on someone's Instagram.

12. You accidentally like someone's photo on Instagram.

13. You find $5 in your jacket pocket.

14. Someone lets out a little toot in the elevator.