This Dog Was Elected The Mayor Of A Small Town In Minnesota

The election was open to everyone, but Duke the dog won the most votes from the town's citizens.

This is Duke, the (honorary) mayor of Cormorant, Minn.

Last Thursday, Duke won an election to be the honorary mayor for the town of 12, resident Tammy Odegarrd told BuzzFeed.

The election for honorary mayor, which cost $1 to vote in, lasted five weeks and helped raise money for a local event.

"He is an outside dog, loved by everyone in the town, and he is a regular at Cormorant Pub," Odegarrd said of the furry 7-year-old politician.

Residents could vote for anyone they wanted, and started to put the dog's name on the ballot.

America, meet the new mayor of Cormorant, Minn.

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