Santorum: Unemployment Rate "Doesn't Matter To Me"

    Department of terrible messaging. Like Romney's "I like to fire people," it's better in context.

    Santorum has made this argument many times, as Dave Weigel points out at Slate, but the soundbite and the message convey his campaign's lesser focus on the economy.

    Twitter: @KellyO

    Twitter: @ArletteSaenz

    UPDATE: Romney in Peria, Ill. just now: "I do care about the unemployment rate, it does bother me. I want to put people back to work."

    The quote as clipped by the Romney campaign:

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    Twitter: @RyanGOP

    Mitt Romney's campaign pounced on the line, with spokeswoman Andrea Saul emailing reporters: "He Said WHAT?!"

    "Wow. Sen. Santorum may not care about the unemployment rate in this country or the nearly 24 million Americans struggling for work, but Mitt Romney does and is running to get people back to work," she said. "If anyone needed evidence that Rick Santorum is an economic lightweight, they needn’t look any further than his various statements today. We're not going to turn around this economy by replacing one former senator with zero job-creating experience with another senator with zero job-creating experience. He has proven it once again."