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Practical Gifts

phone holder on the left and cold brew maker on the right

42 Gifts That Will Make Their Lives A Little Easier

You could get them their seventeenth candle of of the season *or* gift them a handy travel planner, a TikTok-beloved instant veggie chopper, or energy-restoring shower steamers instead.

shower phone holder and cold brew pitcher

45 Gifts That Will Make Their Lives A Little Easier

You could get them their seventeenth candle of of the season *or* gift them a handy travel planner, a TikTok-beloved instant veggie chopper, or energy-restoring shower steamers instead.

food storage container, brass measuring cups, water flosser on a bathroom sink

49 Gifts For The Most Practical Person You Know

The gift that keeps on giving is the one where your loved one tells you about how much they love using it, whether it's a "rest in grease" spoon rest or a scary strong coffee.

38 Gifts For Anyone Who Wants To Learn Something New

We found moss wall hanging kits, DIY drip paintings, metal stamp sets, and more hands-on gifts that'll engross anyone who loves trying out new and unique creative outlets.

split thumbnail of plant watering globes in the shape of birds, person washing a laptop keyboard cover

45 Gifts That Are As Beautiful As They Are Useful

Give 'em something real nice they'll actually get to use on the reg, thus reminding them that you are the best gift-giver ever. So really, that marble-print AirPods case is like an investment in your future.

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