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    8 Scientific Facts That Prove Being An A**hole Is Good For You

    Because fuck etiquette.

    1. Having a heated argument with someone you care about actually reduces stress levels.

    2. Giving the middle finger theoretically burns around 1.42 calories.

    3. Driving like a competitive jerk can help boost your reaction time.

    4. Screaming at someone actually releases endorphins in your brain, giving you a natural high.

    5. A feeling of superiority can help keep your body in shape when you get older.

    6. Not giving a fuck about other people and sneezing in a crowded subway is safer than holding it in.

    7. Being a dick and leaving the toilet seat up will keep bacteria off your hands.

    8. Regularly beating up people that are weaker than you can help prevent future memory loss (for you... not them).