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    "Yer A Wizard, Harry!" An Easy Introduction To Magick And Spells

    Were you heartbroken when an owl didn't attend your eleventh birthday? We've got good news.

    Dear Reader,

    No, you weren’t recently hit by gamma radiation nor have you undergone complicated surgery directed by a mad scientist. You have always been special.

    You see, there are those that wish to keep you in the dark.

    We sent many letters…

    But we finally reached you and that’s what matters. We know what you’re thinking…

    ...And guess what, you’re already a practicing magician!

    “Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.”

    “[Magick makes use] of the sephiroth and the paths, of spirits and conjurations, of gods, spheres, and planes and many other things which may or may not exist."

    “It is immaterial whether they exist or not. By doing certain things, certain results follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophical validity to any of them."

    In other words, by employing certain methods you can augment, affect and even radically alter your personal reality as well as the world around you through magick.

    To do this, you must first accept that there are beings, ideas, things that are very old. Things that have been around forever.

    Things like Love, Anger, Fear, Guilt, Communication, Passion, etc. We encounter and are heavily affected by these ideas all the time.

    A magician personifies these old ideas as deities and recognizes them as outside forces. For example, if you are overcome with Love, you are possessed by a god of love like Aphrodite (Greek), Hathor (Egyptian), or Kamadeva (Hindu).

    Does this mean these gods are real? Not necessarily.

    Unfortunately for you, rites involving gods, goddesses and demons are for experienced magicians who are at least in their Fifth Year. You must first hone your abilities.

    Jumping too far ahead could yield no results and discourage you.

    Or worse, you could summon something dangerous and be unprepared to protect yourself.

    But don’t worry, there is one extremely powerful spell you are ready to perform.

    You see, you have been practicing magick all your life without knowing it.

    Anytime you create something new through writing, art or music you are engaging in magick.

    Dancing, singing, exercise, yoga, sex—these are all magical acts.

    Dreaming is also inherently magical. The easiest way to practice magick is to take the already magical parts of your life and fill them with intention. Start with a magick journal and keep track of your results.

    What is “intention?” To illustrate, let’s go over that powerful spell we were telling you about.

    It’s called a Sigil and it’s one of the most pure forms of magick.

    A Sigil is a symbol highly charged with intent. We are constantly surrounded and affected by sigils; however most people don’t recognize them as such.

    How to Create and Charge a Sigil in 6 Steps

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 4

    Step 5

    Writer and magician Grant Morrison suggests: “fasting, spinning, meditation, intense exhaustion, fear, sex, yoga, the flight or fight response...but for the eager beginner nothing beats the WANK TECHNIQUE.”

    Step 6: Reap the Benefits

    We hope this has been an informative introduction to magick! Remember, the magician’s journey is like a Patronus in that it is completely your own.

    Self discovery and self improvement are the core tenets of magick. Do some research! There are many blogs, forums and magick communities accessible online. Check out the “Occult” section of your library.

    Lastly and perhaps most importantly, be ready to laugh and have fun.

    Magick does not require blind faith or even complete certainty, only a desire to explore the unknown in order to enrich your personal world. Congratulations, you are a magician!

    For a more in depth introduction to magick, check out the works of Grant Morrison, Peter Carroll, and Aleister Crowley.