35 Times North West Had The Answer To Everything

    This face is worth a thousand memes.

    When someone is trying to talk to you before you've had your coffee.

    When you're stuck in a group text with your parents.

    When you're at Chipotle ordering the best-looking burrito of your whole damn life.

    When nobody's responding to any of your texts.

    When your significant other won't share their french fries with you.

    When your crush compliments your haircut.

    When someone eats the last of your leftovers from the fridge.

    When you've exhausted the snooze button allowance.

    When you think your crush is waving at you but it's really at someone behind you.

    When you see someone in your feed blatantly subtweeting you.

    When you're talking in a group of people and nobody is paying attention to you.

    When you're at a restaurant and your date leaves a lousy tip.

    When your parents sign up for Facebook.

    When you're at the club and your awkward friend does "The Sprinkler."

    When someone cuts in line in front of you.

    When you're being self-deprecating and somebody agrees with you.

    When someone spoils last night's Game of Thrones before you watched it.

    When the DJ is playing ALL your jams.

    When you catch someone checking you out.

    When some rude person you don't know is sliding into your mentions.

    When you see someone you hate wearing the exact same outfit as you.

    When your significant other brings you breakfast in bed.

    When your BFF cancels plans with you.

    When you get fewer than 10 likes on Instagram.

    When you catch someone flirting with your significant other.

    When you just can't even.

    When you're in bed and your phone is just out of reach.

    When someone keeps bugging you and doesn't take a hint.

    When you walk in on someone drinking from the milk jug.

    When you finish a batch of pancakes and realize you're fresh out of syrup.

    When your work nemesis upstages you in a meeting.

    When you're wearing your favorite new shirt and no one notices.

    When no one else at the table wants to order dessert.

    When the person next to you in the bathroom doesn't wash their hands.

    When you eat a whole pizza at 2 a.m.

    It is BuzzFeed's editorial policy to not publish unauthorized photos of non-consenting minors. This post has been updated.