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17 Cringe Things Everyone Did 10 Years Ago But Never Talks About

Remember planking?

1. Wearing rubber bands instead of proper jewellery.

2. Setting up really dumb Facebook groups.

3. Using ridiculous comedy ringtones.

Man look at this Jamster ad in an old #GameInformer magazine! I kinda miss the old Game Informer

Twitter: @PrincessSoftpaw / Via Twitter: @PrincessSoftpaw

It's hard to believe we actually paid perfectly good money to download fart noise ringtones from a giant ad like this in a magazine. What was wrong with us?

4. Planking.

5. Annoying everyone with vuvuzelas.

6. Sending people FarmVille requests.

7. Wearing out Uggs so they ended up looking like this:

..That can't be comfortable #HowDoesThisHappen?

Twitter: @bobbycnorris

Because there's nothing more attractive than going out in old stained slippers that basically look like hooves.

8. Covering everything in moustaches.

9. Playing pretend sports instead of real sports.

10. Getting 'really into' parkour.

11. Listening to chipmunk remixes.

View this video on YouTube

YouTube / Via youtube.com

Every single song had a chipmunk version for a while, and we couldn't get enough of them. Who could have ever guessed that a trend would come along that was even more irritating than the "Crazy Frog"?

12. Hanging onto a Webkinz account you were too old for.

13. Wearing novelty cartoon T-shirts.

let’s bring back 2010 fashion for 2020

Twitter: @asiamp3 / Via Twitter: @asiamp3

Actually, this looks pretty good tbh. However, she's definitely the exception to the rule as 99% of people can't pull off a Spongebob T-shirt and plaid skirt combo.

14. Taking washed-out webcam selfies.

Twitter: @alec_wheatley / Via Twitter: @alec_wheatley

And uploading them straight to MySpace.

15. Nudging people way too much.

16. Emotionally investing in R-Patz and K-Stew.

17. And BBM being the complete centre of your universe: