Rihanna Wore An Elaborate Incognito Outfit Just To Get A Snack At A Holiday Market

    Merry ChRIHstmas!

    Rihanna is making her fans work hard this holiday season. Not only has she been teasing R9, she's also been walking around the streets of London while going completely undetected.

    Recently, Rihanna braved holiday market crowds at Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland — and not one person noticed.

    It wasn't until her assistant Tina Truong shared a video on Instagram Stories of RiRi at the holiday market that the rest of the world realized she had been hanging out, surrounded by fellow Christmas lovers, without drawing any attention to herself.

    Rihanna with her friend & assistant Tina at Winter Wonderland in London right now 🥰

    It helped that she wore a balaclava — or fashioned her hood and a sweater into one — shielding her face.

    Ultimately, Rihanna just had a craving she needed to meet (or, meat):

    Naturally, after the video circulated, people who were at the same holiday market started freaking out.

    So the one day I go winter wonderland RIHANNA goes???? And I didn’t even see her?? Sigh😪

    At this point, Rihanna is somewhat an expert in going undercover.

    After she moved to London, she told T Magazine, "When I go walking, I try to keep it a little incognito."

    So if you're ever in London, keep your eyes fully open, because, apparently, there's always a chance of a Rihanna sighting.