19 Things You'll Definitely Recognize If You Can't Cook

    Cooking ain't easy.

    1. Trying to pass off something you made as a gourmet meal:

    2. Knowing that making pasta isn't as simple as they tell you:

    3. This is the only kind of recipe you know how to follow:

    4. You find a way to burn just about everything, like bacon...

    5. ...waffles...

    6. ...the cookbook...

    7. ...and even water.

    8. Your talents are limited, and you frequently resort to making simple meals:

    9. And sometimes you forget how to make something simple like mac and cheese...

    10. You never know what's microwave, toaster oven, or even dishwasher-safe:

    11. You've done something catastrophic, like drain your homemade chicken stock by accident...

    12. ...or drop your entire pot of homemade sauce...

    13. ...or maybe even blew up your entire kitchen:

    14. This is reminiscent of your well-rounded breakfast:

    15. This seems like an acceptable lunch:

    16. And this is what dinner looks like when you "try":

    17. Oh, yeah, and baking? Fuhgeddaboudit!:

    18. And when you give up on food altogether, and try to do something healthy, like make a smoothie... even that backfires:

    19. Basically, you just feel like Andy Dwyer anytime you do anything: