Paris Hilton Gave A Tour Of Her "Art Room," And Her Paintings Are Something To Be Talked About

    It's definitely hot.

    Welcome to Paris Hilton's art room.

    Paris has an entire room in her house for making collages out of magazines, inspirational posters, and paintings of cats.

    It's basically a 13-year-old girl's or gay boy's dream.

    Like my room in 10th grade, it's a goddamn mess.

    Like, my mom would be PISSED.

    But what can you say? The process of creating is priceless!

    "I've literally been going crazy cutting things out; I've bought, like, every single magazine," Paris said.

    The major theme of Paris Picasso's art is, obviously, Paris Hilton.

    She is currently working on a giant "Stars Are Blind" poster.

    Paris also made this collage of her "favorite skulls."

    I would describe it as Ed Hardy meets Von Dutch.

    Paris is also into making collages with Sonic the Hedgehog and diamonds.

    One of her absolute favorite pieces she has created is of emojis.

    "It's a vibe." —Vincent van Hilton on her emoji collage

    The other thing Paris Hilton likes painting is cats.

    She painted this portrait of her boyfriend's mom's cat for her birthday.

    Here's another cat poster that says Paris's new saying: "Sliving."

    Sliving = "slaying" + "living."

    Lastly, Paris Hilton loves to make collages out of pictures of herself.

    I mean, what else would you expect? A legend supporting herself!

    *Loves* it!

    So that was fun. Now excuse me, I need to start saving my coins because I need a Paris original painting, preferably a "Stars Are Blind" homage!!

    You can watch the full video here:

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