So, It's Sunday Night

    Monday morning is coming. *Jaws theme song*

    You've had a good weekend, right?

    Got stuff done?

    Rested Up For the Week?

    Got rid of all the work week's stress?

    Great! Because tomorrow......

    Is Monday

    No sleeping in tomorrow.

    You'll need to get up while it's still dark out.

    See these delicious pancakes?

    You won't have time for them tomorrow.

    Remember how awesome it was to hang out in your pjs this morning?

    Tomorrow you'll be wearing work clothes by 7.

    Today you had all the time in the world to watch cat videos.

    Tomorrow all you'll have time for is this.

    But it's not quite here yet. You have time. Watch some "Homeland."

    Have a light snack.

    Lay out your clothes for tomorrow.

    Pack your lunch.

    You're totally ready for bed now.

    And when you open your eyes, it'll be Monday.

    Time to just accept it

    And look on the bright side

    Only four days until....