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James Gunn

Movies To Be Really Excited About In 2019

From Captain Marvel to The Lion King, and Us to Pokémon Detective Pikachu, there are a lot of new films to be excited about this year. In chronological order!

Marvel’s Dark And Twisted Guardian

Feeling like an “outcast” for pretty much his entire life led director James Gunn to make Guardians of the Galaxy the most personal franchise in the most successful cinematic universe in Hollywood history.

Chris Pratt May Just Be The Man We Can All Agree On

In two short years, he went from the adorable chubby goofball on Parks and Recreation to one of the biggest movie stars in the world, his likability transcending our bitter cultural divide. But with the sci-fi romance Passengers, Chris Pratt is testing just how beloved he really is. Warning: This story contains SPOILERS.

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