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The Dark Knight

Images from Darby and the Dead and The Dark Knight

The Best Movies Streaming On Hulu

Darby and the Dead, The Dark Knight, I Love My Dad, and more great titles you'll want to stream this month.

Listen: Everyone Needs To Watch HBO Max's Veneno Right Now

“If you tell a complicated story with radical empathy, then perhaps people can watch that, and feel moved by that. And maybe they’ll consider what policies might be changed to make life better.”

IMAX Is Nearing A Digital Future

Filmmakers like Christopher Nolan and J.J. Abrams have embraced the large film format cameras, but IMAX's future may be without any film at all.

Bane's Mask Resembles Goatse

Only turned sideways. You have seen it, you cannot unsee it. This is SFW but for the love of EVERYTHING, do not Google "Goatse" if you don't already know. Just happily be out of loop.


Creepy Joker Baby Doll Is Creepy

This little guy might only stand at 1:6 scale, but he cranks up the baby doll creep factor to a whole new level. Now someone make a baby Batman so they can have an adorably bizarre mini-battle in a Gotham day care.

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