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TV & Movies

We’ve got you covered for all the best TV and movies moments from Stranger Things to House of the Dragon to all of those Marvel Easter eggs you missed to what the Abbott Elementary and Squid Game casts are up to, and more. We love to excitedly yell about every rom-com, horror movie, or TV show, no matter how big or small.

Ryan Gosling staring into the camera as Colt in The Fall Guy

Which 2024 Movie Are You?

There's lots of variety here!

Shan YuΒ with a menacing expression, wearing a dark outfit.

Which Of These Disney Villains Do You Prefer?

Sometimes you just have to go with the lesser of two evils, or head to the dark side and never look back!

Tommy Wiseau yelling as Johnny in The Room

Answer 8 Quick Questions To Find Out Which "So Bad It's Good" Movie You Embody

Dive into the delightful world of cult classics and cinematic guilty pleasures with this quiz. From over-the-top action flicks to campy horror masterpieces, some movies are so bad they loop right back to being phenomenal. Discover which famously "so bad it's good" movie mirrors your unique personality and sense of humor.